William is right to still be angry at treasonous brother – Harry & Meghan’s behaviour towards royals has been despicable

William has had to silently endure he and his wife Kate being repeatedly attacked.
WHY is anyone remotely surprised Prince William would rather stick his head in an exploding volcano than occupy the same orbit as his younger brother? Yes, I know it’s all very sad. Yes, I know it would break their late mother Diana’s heart to see her two beloved sons so estranged they can’t even pay tribute to her memory at the same time. And yes, I know lots of people wish William could find it in his bruised, angry heart to be the bigger man and forgive Harry.
But honestly, if one of my two brothers had done to me and my family what the treasonous Duke of Hypocrisy has done to his family, there’s not a cat in hell’s chance of me ever forgiving them (and they would feel the same if it were the other way round). Just step back for a moment and consider all the putrid garbage Harry and wife Meghan have slung at the royals in the past few years.
From the Oprah whine-a-thon to the royal privacy-shredding six-part Netflix series and Harry’s kiss-and-tell book — not to mention all the other sniping, trashy media stuff in between — it’s been a constant barrage of vicious vitriol aimed at destroying the reputation of the Royal Family and of the Monarchy itself. And the fact they’ve lined their pockets with gazillions of grubby dollars in the process makes the selling out of their family even more despicable.
William has had to silently endure he and his wife Kate being repeatedly attacked, his father King Charles and his stepmother Queen Camilla also being publicly chastised, and the whole family disgracefully smeared as a bunch of callous racists as first their patriarch Prince Philip and then their matriarch Queen Elizabeth II reached the end of their long lives.
The only time he’s ever reacted was after the Oprah interview, when he snapped at reporters: “We’re very much NOT a racist family!”
His cold fury was palpable that day and I’m reliably informed it has only intensified ever since, as the Sussexes have continued hurling their vile mud. So no, William shouldn’t just forgive and forget. He should keep Harry in the self-imposed social Siberia that his loathsome disloyalty deserves.